‘South Park: The Stick Of Truth’ Is Officially Coming Out This Year. Here’s An Epic New Trailer.

So, what’s happening with South Park: The Stick of Truth? We haven’t seen or heard as much about it as other big holiday games, partly because up until now it wasn’t a sure thing it was even going to be a holiday game. Well, good news — we now definitively know the game is coming out this year! Specifically on December 10th! Start making up those Christmas lists for your grandparents now!

Hit the jump for a new trailer. Come on! There’s anal probing!

Ha ha! Mr. Hankey! The Underpants Gnomes! Uhhh, and a bunch of other references I don’t get because I kind of stopped watching the show a few seasons ago, but which I’m sure are very funny! Hooray!

via Kotaku