A GOP Consultant Talking About ‘Bunny Sex’ Leads Anderson Cooper To Ask: ‘Are You High?’

In case you were wondering, America is still being held hostage by a merry band of dolts led by Senator Ted Cruz because they don’t want tax dollars going to helping lower income people get healthcare. So it’s the naturally the topic of conversation on cable news.

In such, last night Anderson Cooper had Republican strategist Alex Castellanos and some others on to discuss everything. Along the way, Castellanos took a stab at explaining what Cruz is doing.

“A friend explained to me today, finally, what Ted Cruz is doing and I finally understand — he’s having bunny sex,” Castellanos explained. “In nature, there are boom and bust cycles. The snowshoe hare, every ten years, multiplies six fold…The snowshoe hare…every ten years, multiplies six fold. Bunnies like sex apparently. But the boom produces a bust. They press their food supply, they invite predators.”

All of this Cooper to look at Castellanos and ask, “Are you high?”

Alex Castellanos was TOTALLY high last night…

(Via Raw Story)