Watch Conan Discover The Hidden Message In The Kardashian Christmas Card

Conan got a hold onto a copy of the annual Kardashian Christmas card, shot by photographer David LaChappelle, and managed to discover the secret message hidden within.

I had a lot of fun finding out there were rabid Kardashian supporters the other day and it wasn’t long after that I found out the Kardashian family had released their annual Christmas card, easily the strangest holiday greeting I’ve ever seen.

Because when a family leads a miserable, scrutinized life in the public eye, they put out a Christmas card to keep a low profile.

Check out the revelation and marvel at the rest of the kooky Christmas greeting, especially Bruce Jenner being locked away in a cryo-pod until they find a cure for the flesh eating virus that is destroying his face.

(Lead Image Via Team Coco)