The Top 100 comics of 2013: #50-26

(CBR) STOP! If you missed our first two parts, check out spots #100-76 here, and #75-51 here before continuing!

Every year, CBR wraps our coverage of the comics industry with the Top 100 Comics of the Year — a massive, extensive and intensive cataloging of the best comics released over the past twelve months. To make our rankings, every CBR staffer — from the homepage news hounds to the pontificating columnists and from the up-to-the-minute bloggers to our intelligent reviewers — chips in their list of favorite comic books, web comics and graphic novels for an all-out cage match to determine the Top 100.

2013 saw a record number of participants in this experiment with just over 40 staffers nominating over 200 comics for consideration. While the comics industry continued its strong swing of sales and critical love this year, the prevailing sentiment amongst the staff was that there were few undeniable breakout comics published of late. That’s not to say there weren’t many amazing and entertaining books written, drawn and released in 2013. But while past years have had obvious hot ticket favorites amongst readers, this year was more of a wide open field. Who’ll take #1? You’ll have to wait to find out.

Today, we continue with part three, (Check out #100-76 here and #75-51 here) counting down from #50 to 26! Past the mid-way point, consensus builds around some of the biggest critical hits of the year and around some comics you may have missed in 2013. Below, our staff ranks some of the big ticket comics adaptations available, zeroes in on some graphic novels of historical and genre significance, talks up some of the funniest superhero stories on the stands and more!

Read on for the rundown of #50-26 and check back on Tuesday at 6:00 AM Pacific for our fourth installment!