Chris Paul Says ‘Anything’s Possible’ When Asked About Teaming Up With LeBron And Melo

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This summer in free agency, the NBA witnessed the formation of one of best assemblies of talent in league history when Kevin Durant signed on with the Warriors. The new economic landscape has made those types of deals increasingly possible, and it’s likely we haven’t seen the end of it.

So when Chris Paul was once again asked about the possibility of one day teaming up with his good buddies LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony, he wasn’t shy about voicing his interest. Here’s what he had to say on the “Open Run” podcast with Jesse Williams and Stefan Marolachakis, with a tip of the hat to for the text of that segment:

“Anything’s possible,” Paul said. “Definitely, anything’s possible.”

“We’ll work out together and stuff like that sometimes,” he added. “The last time [we played together] was 2008, some time around the Olympics. D Wade was coming off his injury. He hit us up and said, ‘I need to see what it’s like to play for real.’ We all met in Chicago. I’ll never forget that. We went to a gym in Chicago and we played pick-up with some other guys just to give him some of that real feel, what it was like. Then, I don’t know if you remember, at the 2008 Olympics, [Wade] went off. That’s what you do for your real friends and your real brothers.”

Paul will be a free agent next summer, and depending on how things pan out, the dissolution of Lob City might very well be at hand. James, however, just locked into a three-year deal to remain with the Cavs. Anthony is also on contract with the Knicks at least through the end of next season.

Still, crazier things have certainly happened, and with the type of clout this group of players enjoys, they could eventually make it a reality if they really want it badly enough. The rest of the league beware.

(Open Run; h/t