An Alabama Defensive Back Revealed The Team’s ‘D*ick In His Hip’ Coverage Technique

Football terminology is never interesting. It’s all code words that players understand and only a few fans grasp or care about. Yeah, we love things quarterbacks say in their cadences and audible calls can be fun too, but nobody wants to hear technical terms about football.

But what if those terms involved the male genitals?

OK, maybe that’s not appealing either, but here’s what Alabama defensive back Ronnie Harrison had to say when asked — nay, pressed — for interesting terminology used by coach Nick Saban and his defensive backs.

“I can’t say it … ‘put your d**k in his hip. That’s pretty much it though.”

Off camera, the reporter laughs and I think she mimes what Harrison was talking about it, and I’m sad we don’t see that as she says, “You’re riding him like this.” It’s also pretty great that Harrison goes from “I can’t say that” to “Put your d*ck in his hip” in 0.3 seconds during his answer. To be clear: “Two deep” is not the same as the “put your d*ck in his hip” technique.

I’d also like to know if the reporter knew about “put your d*ck in his hip” before she asked, because she was way too interested in technical terms to not have that prior “put your d*ck in his hip” knowledge. She asks four or five technique questions before getting to, “Are there any other technical terms that might be interesting?” No way you’re asking that if you don’t know already know about “put your d*ck in his hip.”

Good for her. A good reporter always confirms the “put your d*ck in his hip” information before writing it.

(Denon McMillan on YouTube)