Seth Meyers Gives A ‘Closer Look’ At Donald Trump’s Abuse Of Presidential Powers

“This has been an especially revealing week when it comes to how Donald Trump views presidential power.” Seth Meyers could have ended his segment there and everyone would have known exactly what he was talking about, like here and here, but the Late Night host continued for another 10 minutes, breaking down all the ways the president has abused his privileges.

Since Monday, Trump has gone after Nordstrom for treating daughter Ivanka “so unfairly,” threatened to “destroy” the career of a Texas state senator, attacked the FAKE NEWS free press, and tweeted, “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!” after his proposed Muslim ban wasn’t reinstated. It’s going to be a long First 100 Days, let alone four years.

How will Trump possibly pass the time? By tweeting, obviously. In his “Closer Look” segment, which breaks down the president’s weekly misuse of power, Meyers also lists all the things Trump has found time to tweet about. It includes: Meryl Streep, Hamilton, ratings for The Celebrity Apprentice, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson’s relationship, Diet Coke, taco bowls, SNL, Samuel L. Jackson, Major League Baseball, and Gary Busey’s mechanical dog.

Finally, someone who’s not afraid to talk about the real issues.