One Of Washington’s Senators Invoked Macklemore’s ‘The Heist’ To Bash Trump’s Healthcare Bill

In case you haven’t noticed, politicians are fighting daily about health care. It’s one of the most controversial battles during Donald Trump’s fraught presidency thus far, and there doesn’t appear to be any end in sight. On Tuesday, Washington state Senator Maria Cantwell was discussing the American Health Care Act during a press conference and found a way to namedrop the one and only Macklemore while bashing the proposed bill.

“I wish I could get a famous rapper from Seattle here,” she said while decrying the so-called Trump Care bill before continuing, “Mr. Macklemore, because this truly is a heist.” The House is expected to vote on the controversial bill this Thursday, and Trump has allegedly warned House Republicans who chose to vote against his bill that they would lose their seat in 2018 for opposing him.

As for Macklemore’s involvement, well he’s just an innocent bystander who will now have the feel the wrath of Twitter for a few days thanks to the reference. Cantwell may have just been shouting out the most famous rapper from the state she represents, but that won’t stop Twitter from unleashing their best gifs and memes at the mere mention of Macklemore’s name.