‘The Punisher’ Will Be The First Marvel Netflix Series To Go Without An Important Familiar Face

Within the less-than-friendly confines of Marvel’s decidedly dark Netflix universe, it certainly helps to have someone you can rely on for help. Throughout Marvel’s rollout of their well-received (um, mostly well-received) streaming fare, you could always count on Rosario Dawson‘s Claire Temple in the picture somewhere. She’ll still be a go in the upcoming The Defenders, but in a recent chat with Collider, Dawson warned that Temple will be missing in another Netflix adventure.

Dawson revealed that her character won’t be found in the looming Punisher series. Not because The Punisher threw her boyfriend Eric Andre off a balcony or anything, mind you.

It’s more of a scheduling hiccup. A hiccup that also melds into some of the interactions (or namely non-interactions) between characters in Marvel’s most streamable universe.

Did you ever wonder why Claire never texts or gives Matt Murdock a heads-up about The Hand, during Iron Fist?

DAWSON: I know! We always allude to it that I’ve got this friend, but he gets to have time off. He was working on The Defenders, and he’s about to start up Daredevil again. At the end of the day, it’s really hard to get all of those casts together. For The Defenders, it was difficult to get everybody together. People are busy! There are so many times where I really want it to happen. I really wanted to do a cameo on The Punisher, but it doesn’t always work that way.

There’s nothing in this back-n-forth that guarantees Claire Temple couldn’t be around in a sliver of a TV moment, but for now it sounds like we’re living in a world without Dawson in The Punisher. Speaking of which, The Defenders miniseries will hit Netflix this August with The Punisher debuting his own series at some (unrevealed) point this year.

(Via Collider)