Fatima Al Qadiri, Le1f, Laurel Halo, UMFANG Mobilize For Massive Compilation To Benefit Bail Charity

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Electronic music collective Discwoman have partnered with label Allergy Season to put together a massive compilation in support of the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund.

Curated by Discwoman’s UMFANG and Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson as well as Allergy Season’s Physical Therapy, the forty-four song compilation includes works from Fatima Al Qadiri, Elysia Crampton, Pelada, M.E.S.H., E-Saggila, Leif, Ciel, Puce Mary, Laurel Halo, UMFANG and EMBACI.

Notes published along with the compilation on the Bandcamp page detailed the cause in great detail:

“Everyone’s heard of bail — but the cycle of financial bondage it perpetuates is less well known. If a person can’t pay their bail, they must wait in jail until their court date. Months may go by, even years, simply because someone — who has yet to be convicted of any crime — couldn’t come up a few hundred dollars. It is a racist, backwards design that disproportionately punishes people of color and the poor. Our goal is to draw attention to this pernicious cycle, and raise actual bail money for as many people as possible.”

100% of the proceeds from the compilation go to the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund, which pays bail for New Yorkers who can’t afford bail, and therefore would otherwise be jailed or forced to plead guilty simply to go home. The fund was started in 2012, and paid their first bail in 2015. Of the 520 low-income New Yorkers they served in their first year of action alone, one third of those charges ended up being dropped entirely.

Physically Sick 2 is the follow up to last year’s Physically Sick compilation, the proceeds of which went to The American Civil Liberties Union, Callen-Lorde, The National Immigration Law Center, and Planned Parenthood.

The compilation is out now and you can stream it above, or PWYC for it here.

There’s also a launch party happening for the compilation in Brooklyn tonight at Mood Ring. More info can be found here.