Bill O’Reilly Takes Umbrage With Stormy Daniels For Talking After Accepting A Trump Settlement Payment

Fox News

Stormy Daniels’ 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper revealed a lot (with lawyer Michael Avenatti still teasing more goods the morning after) about her alleged 2006 affair with Donald Trump. The television event amused the masses with its circus-like pageantry, but one person who isn’t laughing is Bill O’Reilly, who spent years defending Trump in his former capacity as Fox News host, but now, things feel personal.

After O’Reilly watched Stormy tell the world about how she spanked Trump with Forbes magazine, he called her a porn star “who’s [sic] story doesn’t stack.” He also attacked her for accepting a settlement payment and then talking about it.

O’Reilly, it seems, is chasing this storm through the lenses of his own experience. The devoted podcaster was recently sued for defamation by a former Fox News anchor who accepted a settlement payment over her sexual harassment claims against him. In doing so, Laurie Dhue became the fourth accuser to sue O’Reilly, and he’s also been exposed for paying a total of $32 million in sexual misconduct settlements over the years.

So, O’Reilly has experience in attempting to quiet women, only for them to go public later on legal grounds. And he’s watching Stormy Daniels, flanked by her lawyer, embarrass the heck out of his presidential friend. No one really gives weight to Bill O’Reilly’s tweet on the matter, but it’s interesting to behold, especially since Stormy claimed that she only signed her hush agreement after feeling threatened. It makes one wonder exactly how the women who signed O’Reilly’s agreements felt, but that’s speculation best left for another day.