Pete Davidson Details How Donald Trump Was ‘Weird All Week’ When He Was Hosting ‘SNL’


Much has been said about the moment in 2015 when our current president and then candidate Donald Trump hosted Saturday Night Live. Many didn’t feel Trump should’ve hosted the show given his divisive comments about Mexicans and everybody else at the time, the episode wasn’t very good, the cast hated their time with The Apprentice host, and the entire thing didn’t sit well with an audience that was far from Trump’s base. It was a weird moment, even if he was still touted as “entertaining” at the time thanks to his non-traditional behavior.

Members of the cast have shared their thoughts, and the show has gone on to mock the president every week since he debated Hillary Clinton. But now Pete Davidson is sharing another funny tidbit about Trump’s hosting appearance. During an appearance on Open Late with host Pete Rosenberg, Davidson shared a funny story about The Donald, saying the candidate was “weird all week”:

He like faked a phone call during the table read. Right as we started he was like [mimes Trump picking up the phone], “Hello. Oh, fantastic. OK, great.”

If the speed of the phone call sounds unreal, Davidson agrees. He added that he and the rest of the folks at the table read were like, “Yo that phone didn’t ring,” before adding that whoever called Trump didn’t even have a chance to say anything if the call was real.

And what didn’t they supposedly call Trump to say?

‘”Hey everybody, my book just went No. 1.”

True or not, that little bit of information shared by Trump is a groaner at best, something Davidson demonstrates at the end of this clip.

(Via Vulture / Complex)