George Santos Is Trying To Bury His Darkest Secret Yet: His Spotify Playlist

While newly elected congressman George Santos has admitted to embellishing his resume, an understatement if there ever was one, the embattled politician has been issuing denial after denial as his past comes back to haunt him. After a week of allegations that include stealing from a dying dog and shady FEC filings, Santos is now reportedly trying to distance himself from… a Spotify playlist?

The Daily Beast stumbled upon what it believes to be a Spotify account that belong to Santos, and when he was presented with that information, the account reportedly changed its name from “Mr. Dee” (Santos often operated the name Anthony Devolder) to “ABC123.” As for why Santos would go to lengths to prevent being linked to the account. It sure does contain a lot of songs from drag queens:

Mr. Dee’s “Gym” playlist includes songs like “Adrenaline” and “Sissy That Walk” by American drag queen RuPaul. It also includes “American” by RuPaul and the cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 10—a patriotic ballad for inclusion that counters virtually every facet of Republicans’ anti-LGBTQ platform.

One verse, for example, goes like this: “Watch me smile and watch me slay. ’Cause I’m living for my true self everyday. It’s not about your color, gender, or size. But if we come together, we can rise.”

While Santos has admitted to dressing in drag at a festival in Brazil, he insists it was a one-time thing. “I was young and I had fun at a festival. Sue me for having a life,” Santos told reporters after days of denying that the photographic evidence wasn’t him. However, based on his alleged Spotify playlist, Santos’ interest in drag clearly extended beyond just a fun day at a festival and obviously, that won’t go over well with the Republican Party that’s been on an anti-drag crusade. Lying a whole bunch? Sure, no problem. But dressing in drag? Can’t have that.

(Via The Daily Beast)