Rotten Tomatoes Is Now Rating Individual TV Episodes, Beginning With ‘Game Of Thrones’

Rotten Tomatoes is an indispensable source for finding out just how many critics hated movies like Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star (all of them!), and soon, the service will expand to individual TV episodes, so you’ll have proof that, yes, this episode of Game of Thrones is 0.2 better than that episode of Mad Men.

“Episode level ratings will bring a whole new level of engagement from our Rotten Tomatoes fans,” Rotten Tomatoes editor-in-chief Matt Atchity said in a statement. “Since it’s avidly followed by its audience, Game of Thrones is the perfect series to invite our users to check in even more frequently – and find out what the critics and other users are saying.” (Via)

The only episode with a rating so far is the season four premiere, “Two Swords,” which currently boasts an impressive 96% on the Internet’s version of the White Book, the Tomatometer. That’s 27 “Fresh” reviews and only one “Rotten.” Who’s the Daario Downer ruining the unanimous fun?


Via the Wrap