It’s That Thing Where Bill Hader Will Create And Star In An HBO Series

The worst thing about SNL this season, and every season of SNL pre-2005, was its lack of Bill Hader. No one could begrudge the guy for leaving his “What Up with That?” pals behind, but it was a major bummer not seeing Stefon, Herb Welch, Greg the Alien, and his Vincent Price impression on a weekly basis. That will no longer be an issue — not that it ever was, considering how often I watch “Puppet Class” — because according to Deadline, Hader will soon have an HBO show to call his own.

(Not Stefon, but Hader — even HBO isn’t ready for a Stefon show.)

Saturday Night Live alum Bill Hader has signed an exclusive development deal with HBO to create and star in a new series for the premium cable network. It hasn’t been determined yet whether the series would be half-hour or hourlong. (Via)

Me, every week watching this show.

It’s the GIF that keeps on giving.

Via Deadline