‘Orphan Black’ Season Finale Recap: Surrender, Sharpness, And Surprises

Last week on Orphan Black, Helena got to light it up, Rachel was successful at Clone Hijinx, and I may have uttered the phrase “F*ck yeah, Donnie!”… it was a confusing time.

So, as the open eventually laid out, Sarah surrendered herself up to Dyad because Rachel kidnapped Kira. This left Rachel with Kira’s bone marrow, Kira, Sarah, and Dr. Dad. She also transferred Delphine out of the country. Everything seemed to be going Rachel’s way.

Then Ethan made some really bad tea…

which caused Rachel to go crazy with the bone marrow.

Luckily, there were some strange bedfellows being made on the outside

and Sarah got to escape in spectacular fashion.


Now for the plot twists:

Cosima may have stumbled onto some of Dr. Duncan’s notes.

Helena was captured by the military, per Mrs. S and Paul’s agreement

Sarah found out that a younger clone exists.

Also that the army has been making male clones, which explains why Paul is so-

Ah. Well I guess that is a more compelling story line.

That should hold everyone over until next season. I’ll be spending too much time thinking about how many different eye patches Rachel will have to go through.