Eddie Vedder Covered John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ Because War Is Bad

It sounds like a Rolling Stone wet dream, Eddie Vedder covering John Lennon’s “Imagine,” but it happened last Friday in Meco, Portugal. The Pearl Jam singer called it “the most powerful song ever written,” adding, “which is why I have never played it.” As for why he’s never covered a Ringo solo song, well, Vedder didn’t have a response for that. He went on to say.

Vedder ruminated on how taking an stance against war says a lot about a person’s character, but it doesn’t suggest taking sides. “If you’re anti-war it doesn’t mean you are ‘pro’ one side or the other in a conflict,” he said. “However, it does make you ‘pro’ many things…Pro-peace, pro-human, pro-evolution, [it] makes you pro-communication, pro-diplomacy, pro-love, pro-understanding, pro-forgiveness.” (Via)

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Eddie Vedder – Imagine (live in Portugal) by sheehanpaul-ie