Here’s Why Alabama Fans Are The Most Loyal, Insane Football Fans In The World

If I had to show you one video to describe SEC fans, one video to show you the insane nature of Alabama faithful, it would be this. A mad dash across the field to get a Nick Saban autograph. ROLL DAMN TIDE!

According to, one man arrived for the event on Wednesday. The signing was on Sunday. Something something get a job slash thanks Obama.

My favorite part of the video was the little kid outracing the fat guy at the :44 mark. That fat guy is me, basically. Except I wouldn’t run to get a Nick Saban autograph. In fact, I don’t run at all—unless if it’s for an all-you-can-eat buffet. Then I’m game. Totally.

By the way, when you set this video to “Sweet Home Alabama” it hits you in the feels. It’s all kinds of hilarity.