Aaron Paul Named His Five Favorite ‘Breaking Bad’ Scenes

AMC’s Breaking Bad Binge recently began, and as a way to promote the chronological marathon, Aaron Paul went ahead and named his five favorite Jesse Pinkman scenes. Weirdly, it doesn’t include the time an ATM crushed Spooge’s skull, which is easily one of my five favorite sentences ever.

Here’s what he had to say.

Walt’s Proposal to Jesse – Season 1, Episode 1, “Pilot”

I love this scene because this is where the true journey begins for Mr. White and Jesse Pinkman. This is the decision that changes both of their lives forever.

Jesse Discusses Shooting Gale – Season 4, Episode 7, “Problem Dog”

When Jesse confesses to his group how he had to put down the “dog” – I love this because it allowed Jesse to finally (somewhat) confess his sins.

Jesse Shows Up at Mr. White’s House to Kill Walt – Season 4, Episode 12, “End Times”

This scene is incredibly powerful to me because everything Jesse screams out in this scene was the truth. It was easy for me to perform because I truly already had all of those feelings bottled up from all of the previous seasons and it was a nice way for me to let it all out. Walt was behind all of it and all Jesse had to do was pull the trigger. Walt of course talked him out of it and convinced him that he had it all wrong. Walt is a master puppeteer and Jesse was just on one of his many strings. What a bastard.

Mr. & Mrs. White Have Dinner With Jesse – Season 5, Episode 6, “Buyout”

Do I really need to explain why I love this scene? I think it’s pretty obvious. I just love how uncomfortable Jesse is the entire time and how he uses his glass of water as his security blanket.

The Final Showdown between Jesse and Walt – Season 5, Episode 16, “Felina

It’s the final showdown between Walt and Jesse. Will Jesse end this once and for all, or will he just walk away? When Jesse says “Say you want this! Nothing happens until I hear you say it!” And Walt’s response is “I want this,” and then Jesse just simply says, “Then do it yourself” and he drops the gun and walks away. The final look Walter and Jesse share speaks volumes with no words needed. So much pain on both ends and they both know it is all over. Then the drive off with every emotion pouring out of Jesse was such an incredible thing for me as an actor playing Jesse to perform. I felt like it was a perfect way to end this journey for me and for Jesse. Yeah bitch!!

This should have been scenes one through five.