Don’t Feel Too Bad About This Guy’s Dumb Mistake On ‘Wheel Of Fortune’

Based solely on this clip, it’s super easy to point and laugh at Kaulana (AKA the male contestant) on tonight’s episode of Wheel of Fortune, which came to us from beautiful Hawaii. After all, the woman before him clearly asked for the letter L, only to be shut down, and then he turned right around and asked Pat Sajak for an L and immediately felt like a complete shmuck that should have one of those old “Wanna get away?” Snickers commercials.

(SPOILER ALERT COMING for any Wheel Watchers on the West Coast)

But if you watched the entire episode tonight, you’ll know that Kaulana is the one who is laughing – dramatic pause – all the way to the bank. Because he won $56,000, you see. You can buy a lot of things that have the letter L in their names with that kind of cash. I’d buy Legos.