David Chase Hints At The Idea Of A ‘Sopranos’ Prequel. (Kind Of.)

David Chase is making the rounds to promote the release of The Sopranos on Blu-Ray, and part of those rounds included a sit-down with the Associated Press, and at said sit-down he kinda sorta almost floated the idea of a Sopranos prequel set in late-1960s New Jersey. So if you heard a low rumble of “OHHHHs” and “AYYYYYs” emanating from the Newark area yesterday, that could be why.

From the AP:

The 69-year old show runner says he wouldn’t mind exploring the era before the show began.

“Even if I did it, it wouldn’t be ‘The Sopranos’ that was on the air — obviously at least one person is gone that we would need,” he says. “There are a couple of eras that would be interesting for me to talk about, about Newark, New Jersey. One would be (the) late ’60s, early ’70s, about all the racial animosity, or the beginning, the really true beginning of the flood of drugs.”

A few things:

  • I love this new thing David Chase is doing where he’s getting a little loose-lipped with reporters and sending Sopranos fans into a tizzy. Remember when he supposedly said Tony didn’t die at the end of the show and then doubled back to say that wasn’t what he said? That was a great time. So’s this. I hope he starts his next interview with “CHRISTOPHER IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN ORLANDO.”
  • Please, for the love of God, let this series be about Pauly and Silvio in high school. I know the timeline doesn’t work because Pauly was like a decade older than Silvio. I don’t care. Make it work.
  • Speaking of timelines, the one for this potential series would match up with the one on Mad Men, which is helmed by former Sopranos scribe Matthew Weiner. And they’d be right across the river from each other. Let’s send Young Pauly on a date with Sally Draper. Yes, let’s very much do that. I’m picturing a 15-year-old gray-haired Pauly Walnuts standing at the door of the Draper-Francis household as Betty gives him a dismissive once over. It would explain so much.

In conclusion…