A $64,000 Question: Who is LeBron?

Love him or hate him, LeBron James is more than simply a basketball player on the Miami Heat. And this Wednesday on the UMass campus in Amherst, I’ve been asked to share my two cents to try and answer a very loaded question: Who is LeBron? The expert panel, which features three professors and me, seeks to determine the historical and cultural significance of this colossal public figure.

Through discussion and debate, we will conduct a critical examination of LeBron’s public history, as well as internal factors that affect our perception of him. Also, we will examine the institutionalization of sports and the global sports culture that has emanated from it; explore the relation of sports, race, class, and gender; track how geopolitical issues manifest within the sport; and determine the roles sports heroes have played in shaping national cultures.

The event is being presented by UMass’ premier sport management student organization, the Association of Diversity in Sport.

If you want to get involved, here’s three easy ways:

1. Attend
2. Spread the word
3. Submit your own response to the question, “Who is LeBron?” and let your voice be heard and a part of this awesome event

Either way, be sure to visit https://whoislebron.tumblr.com/.

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