Michael Jordan Hits Blu-ray Today

Michael Jordan is real big on staying relevant to the new generation of kids who have never seen him play live. In recent years, we’ve seen him become the first former player to become majority owner of an NBA team; he currently graces the cover of NBA 2K11 (which allows us to replay some of his biggest games); and now with the release of Michael Jordan to the Max on Blu-ray today, we finally get to see his game in HD.

From the moment you press play, you can see that this high-definition MJ is like none other. Unlike other Jordan movies that were filmed in the industry standard for the 90s, IMAX filmed this documentary in 1080p, so it’s the clearest footage of Jordan in action you’ve ever seen. Also, the special features are pretty interesting. I was pretty amazed to see how the IMAX team followed Jordan around during the peak of his excellence.

This movie is a perfect for any basketball junkie, and it’s a must-have to school the youth on Jordan’s masterful game.

Note: We have a few copies that we can giveaway, so let us know why you deserve one in the comments below.

What’s your favorite MJ memory?

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