Mikhail Prokhorov Will Rap With Jay-Z When The Barclays Center Opens

Mikhail Prokhorov is many things: international prostitute smuggler and party-forming politician, to name a few. Well, now he can add one more title to the list, which might infringe upon the territory of Brooklyn Nets’ minority owner Jay-Z: rapper.

According to Prokhorov himself, he plans to make an appearance with Jay-Z at one of the Barclays Center’s inaugural concerts. Via Crain’s New York Business:

“According to Mr. Prokhorov, a reprise is in the works, but this time in downtown Brooklyn, where Jay-Z will open the $1 billion Barclays Center with a series of sold-out concerts this fall. ‘Yes, I will rap at his concert,’ Mr. Prokhorov informed Crain’s via email. ‘I am in rehearsals now 10 hours a day and plan to demand joint billing.'”

10 hours a day? When will he have time to do backflips on a jet ski?

But wait! This isn’t the first time Prokhorov has dabbled in the rap game:

“In February, the owner of the Brooklyn Nets, Mikhail Prokhorov, appeared on a Russian television comedy show called Spotlight Paris Hilton, and offered a musical tribute to his co-owner, hip-hop star Jay-Z.

‘Mr. Jay-Z, this rap is for you,’ went the English portion of the lyrics. ‘Mr. Jay-Z, this is the first presentation/of real rap music from Russian Federation. Mr. Jay-Z, you are not alone/Mikhail Prokhorov on the microphone.'”

You see what he did there? Rhyming “presentation” and “federation,” and “alone” and “microphone?” Genius. Pure genius. There’s a career out there waiting for you, Mikhail.

Also, please note that there is a Russian comedy show called Spotlight Paris Hilton. Take that as you will.

h/t Crain’s New York Business, via TBJ

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