Should Terrence Ross Be In The NBA Dunk Contest? Toronto Campaigns To #LetRossDunk

This is a post about Terrence Ross, Toronto rookie, not Ross, the Washington Husky. The photo with this post was chosen for a reason, though, because it brings back a vivid memory of when I talked to his college coach, Lorenzo Romar, over the phone 14 months ago and asked him who he’d compare him to. I’d seen Ross play a little in high school and knew he was athletic, but Romar sang his praises: “More like a J.R. Smith. A guy who is extremely athletic but who can shoot the basketball with discipline.” Extremely athletic are the key words there, and he hasn’t disappointed his rookie year (see here and here), so much so that the Raptors are backing his candidacy for the NBA Dunk Contest.

The team released a video today with the words “Houston? No problem” spliced with clips of Ross dunking. Dime’s Tim Brandl already broke down 5 dunkers here who need to be included in this season’s Dunk Contest held in Houston, but Ross seems to make his own case pretty clear with the kind of dunks he’s done so far this season. So, should he?

Should he be in the Dunk Contest?

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