Metta World Peace’s Elbow Has Its Own Fan Anthem, Apparently

Normally you’d need one playoff series win or the first three wins in a 6-10 season to get a fan anthem, but in today’s world of fast fame and every girl with a webcam thinking she’s Ingrid Michaelson we can find a theme song for anything.

Enter: YouTube songstress Stephanie K and her 236th one-minute song, “Metta World Peace Elbow”. She’s got an easy point to make (“a guy who hurts people shouldn’t be named peace”) and is ready to sing it like motherf**king Ariel.

Check out the clip after the jump, but be warned: you may be stuck singing “Ron! OH Ron!” for the rest of the day.

For further analysis, we turn to some of YouTube’s most learned critics:

Here’s my suggestion for tomorrow’s song: “whether or not you’ll be showing titties”. As a counterpoint, here’s a different YouTube song about elbows that is better, more appropriate and more expertly sung.

[h/t to Trey Kerby @ TBJ]