Regis And Hoda Took ‘The Twizzler Challenge’ Which Led To This Sexy Smooch

Show of hands, who amongst you woke up this morning and thought to yourself, “Man, I’d really like to see Regis Philbin and Hoda Kotb suck face today?” Well, that is precisely what happened on this morning’s Today, which has been preserved in all its glory in the above Vine. The pair were participating in the “Twizzler Challenge,” by the way, which is being heralded as “the next Ice Bucket Challenge,” originating on Comedy Central’s Night of Too Many Stars.

Previously, we saw Kathie Lee and Matt Lauer lock lips to participate in the Lady and the Tramp-esque challenge that benefits autism, so it looks like we’re going to get a lot of mileage out of this one because it’s both easier and grosser than the Ice Bucket Challenge. Just remember, it’s all for a good cause.

I mean, personally, I will make a hefty donation to autism charities if it means never having to see this again: