First Video From The Set Of The Hobbit

I hope that’s pipe-weed he’s smoking.

Peter Jackson has released (via his Facebook page) his first videolog from the set of The Hobbit, which is finally shooting (at 48 fps instead of 24).  Both films are being shot back-to-back for release in December 2012 and December 2013.  The video is over ten minutes of hot Hobbit action props, set design, and meetings showing how they rebuilt Bag End as it was in Lord of the Rings and a brief moment of Ian McKellen being awesome.  Near the end of the video Peter Jackson gives a short speech to the cast and crew, which he ends with:

If somebody came up to me today and said we could carry on pre-production for another six weeks, I’d say, “No no, hell no. Let’s just start shooting.”

Totally agree.  Let’s plunge right into these Hobbit holes already.  And after that, we’ll film the movie.

Via ComingSoon.  If the player above isn’t working, there’s a YouTube version at FirstShowing.