Glenn Beck Changes His Mind On ‘Black Lives Matter’ By Using The Oddest Example Possible

Glenn Beck has apparently done a bit of soul searching in the year since he helped spearhead an All Lives Matter march in Alabama. Since that moment, we’ve seen a lot happen with the movement, more police violence, horrible primary voting season for anybody not named Donald Trump, and Beck has apparently become a pariah.

His support for Ted Cruz reportedly lost him a lot of friends according to Beck’s recent appearance at the RedState Gathering, noting that he had to go find himself and find out what he was missing about America. And no, it is not Glenn Beck’s weird conservative Ayn Rand village. It is instead something surprising, especially for Beck. He’s ready to reassess Black Lives Matter and change America’s mind about it.

According to The Washington Post, it was the shootings in Dallas that really changed Beck’s mind. He just has an odd way of describing why people should give Black Lives Matter a new look:

“All of us are sitting around a table, and we’re all friends,” he said. “It’s time for dessert, and everybody gets pie except for me and you. And you say, ‘I didn’t get any pie.’ Everybody at the table looks at you and says ‘I know. All pie matters.’ You say, ‘but I don’t have any pie! What about my pie?'”

And as you can see in the Vine above, it gets stranger. But he means well. As David Weigel points out, Beck just doesn’t believe that America understands what the black community’s relationship with the police is and “we’re all speaking different languages and we need to talk to each other.”

The problem is the response it got from the conservative media, particularly in light of the situation unfolding in Milwaukee. According to the Washington Post, Brietbart and other outlets took on Beck’s position:

“While Glenn Beck would like people to believe he’s insightful, critics of Black Lives Matter don’t need his hectoring,” wrote Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan, who is also based in Dallas. “The reason many people — including black critics of Black Lives Matter like [Milwaukee County] Sheriff David Clarke — say ‘All Lives Matter’ in response to ‘Black Lives Matter’ is to reject the underlying notion of identity politics.”

Instead of replying or dropping back into the fold, Beck continued to take aim at Trump and make another surprising comment in support of the press. If you think you’re taking crazy pills, you’re not. Glenn Beck is not defending Black Lives Matter and taking up for the media against Donald Trump.

(Via Washington Post)