Ivanka Trump Instagrammed Her ‘Vape Juice’ Experiment With High Schoolers, And People Couldn’t Handle It

White House advisor and daughter of the President Ivanka Trump recently made a trip to a job training and learning center in Iowa and participated in some science experiments with local high school students. For one experiment, Trump donned a pair of goggles and a lab coat and checked the amount of nicotine in “vape juice.”

Trump documented the occasion on Instagram with the caption “Talking #WorkforceDevelopment and Infrastructure in Iowa today!” She also praised the president for his work on infrastructure and paid lip service to STEM programs. Yet, the internet latched on to the humor potential of her image, kicking off Photoshop contests and a ton of jokes on Twitter.


Ivanka tends to fall into social media fumbles regularly, and this is no exception. Last Memorial Day, she implored her social media fans to honor fallen American soldiers by making champagne popsicles. Near Thanksgiving, posted a photo of the centerpiece on her dinner table. Unfortunately, it looked more like something from a low-budget monster movie than anything else.

Another great start to Infrastructure Week.

(Via AOL)