UPDATE: J.R. Smith Dyes Hair Red

UPDATE: J.R. Smith has now dyed his hair red to honor the New Jersey Devils hockey team. He posted a pic on Instagram with the caption, #DevilishFridays, and if you look closely under the brim of his Devils snapback, you can see the devil-red locks.

We don’t know if Smith will be asked to shave the latest hair transformation by coach Mike Woodson, but we figure that’s why Smith is hiding it under the hat.


New York Knicks sixth man, J.R. Smith, has made some interesting style choices over his career. Now he’s made another, but this time it concerns his hair. The 6-6 Knicks guard decided to switch up his look and dye his hair blonde, a la Dennis Rodman. Twitter has had a field day with the new ‘do, so we’re bringing you best reactions to Smith’s formerly bleached tresses.

Before we get into the reactions about his hair, it would be unfair not to mention the difference Smith has made in the life of one man suffering from Down Syndrome, Brad Hennefer. Jared Zwerling detailed the friendship between Smith and Hennefer for ESPN New York. He tells the story of a J.R. Smith many fans don’t get to see, or simply don’t want to see.


But J.R. has made headlines this week not because he befriended a man suffering from Down Syndrome, but because he decided to dye his hair blonde, as Beyond the Buzzer first reported. The new look was an homage to the film Meteor Man. Unfortunately for fans of the new style, Knicks coach Mike Woodson did not approve, and now the blonde locks have been shorn.

But that didn’t stop fans from tweeting at J.R. Smith about the hairstyle and the role the media plays in our discussion of his various off-the-court activities.

Keep reading to see some of our favorites.

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[pic via reddit by way of btb]

Do you even care about J.R. Smith’s hair color? Should coach Woodson?

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