A Poster Of LeBron’s Memorable Game 7 Block At The Cavs Arena Has A Sneaky Little Upgrade

The Cavaliers are hosting the Warriors in a Christmas Day rematch of the NBA Finals, the first time they’ve played each other since LeBron James made the greatest play of his career to block Andre Iguodala and help secure Cleveland’s first sports title in over half a century. It’s an iconic moment, and unsurprisingly, the Cavs have immortalized it in their arena — with a special touch.

Some ingenious little devil photoshopped a championship ring on LeBron’s finger, just for those who forgot what significance that block had. And oh look, they put it just down the hall from the visitors locker room, which on Christmas Day is conveniently occupied by those very same Warriors LeBron dominated. And someone left that door open in view of that locker room! Those little scamps.

While we here at Dime respect some good-natured trolling between teams, that may not be a bear the Cavs want to poke. The Warriors now have Kevin Durant, and the Cavs don’t have J.R. Smith for this game. Sure, the Cavs have homecourt advantage and the best player on earth in LeBron James, but when the Warriors are rolling they can make any team look like a JV outfit. If Cleveland gets embarrassed, you may hear Draymond Green say something about that poster.