This Kid Is The Steph Curry Of His Youth Basketball League

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Steph Curry recently, it’s that he’s not afraid to shoot the ball from anywhere – even with the game on the line. He has the confidence and the ability to hit from absurdly deep on the floor and is unflappable in the clutch.

That’s why the kid you see in the video above is the Steph Curry of his youth basketball league. As time ticked off the clock in the game’s final possession, tensions were running high. Check out the big guy on the bench; he could barely keep it together. But No. 2 on the red team kept his cool, took control, and launched a shot that had no business going in.

But it did anyway.

It was a pretty awesome moment for this dude and his teammates, but let’s be frank here: This miraculous make bailed out way too many people on the red team. A final possession with the game on the line and the boys in red are out here killing 20 seconds with aimless dribbling while four players lazily roam beyond the arc? That’s some piss-poor coaching.

The paint ain’t lava, son – get in there, throw the body around and get those high-percentage looks. THIS IS AMERICA…I EXPECT BETTER FROM MY YOUTH SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS.

Anyway…nice shot, dude. Say no to drugs.


(Via Bob’s Blitz)