The Best Plays From Every NBA All-Star Game Since 1980 Will Get You Hyped For This Weekend

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Do you like dunks? Alley-oops? Want to watch Julius Erving reject a shot all the way back to 1974? Want to watch a thin Shaquille O’Neal throw down a pass with one hand?

Then great news, because that video has all that stuff and more. It’s nearly four decades of the NBA All-Star Game’s greatest players doing cool things. It’s also fun to watch the game evolve. This video claims, and probably rightfully, that the best play in the 1984 All-Star Game was a Larry Bird reverse layup off a fast break. Twenty-five years later, Shaq is bouncing a pass through a guy’s legs to Dwyane Wade on a give-and-go dunk.

It’s fun to watch each play and figure out which year is when you could no longer pull off the thing the All-Star did. I couldn’t make it out of the 1980s. Layups? Blocks? Sure. Once the oops are alley’d, I’m out.

This week’s All-Star Game should be just as great, with Kevin Durant joining three other of his new Warriors teammates and still having to be on the court with Russell Westbrook (probably) at some point on Sunday. Plus, you’ve got LeBron holding court and you know he’ll be trash talking Durant the whole time.