'Batman Vs Superman' Costume Designer Talks About The New Wonder Woman

Michael Wilkinson — the Oscar-nominated costume designer behind Batman and Wonder Woman’s costumes for Batman vs Superman and the Superman suit in Man of Steel — spoke to The Wrap this weekend about the new Wonder Woman costume Gal Gadot will be wearing soon. We suppose that settles whether or not we’d be seeing Diana in full costume.

The Wrap started their interview by mentioning how much Kevin Smith liked the new Batsuit, which Wilkinson was glad to hear. (Don’t tell him, but Kevin Smith likes everything except Southwest Airlines and Bruce Willis.)

Wilkinson, who also designed the costumes for 300, hinted that the Amazon warrior’s outfit may take inspiration from Roman gladiators. “It works for Thor and 300, so let’s see what happens.” Here’s another choice quote, as transcribed by CBM.

“It’s a thrilling and slightly scary prospect of course. It’s so important to get her right. She really deserves to be presented on-screen in her full glory, so what I do is look at the history of how the character has been presented on the big screen, small screen, comic books, and graphic novels; we process it all. Then we kind of put that aside and work out what it right for our film, for the cinematic universe that our director Zack Snyder is putting together. We try to create a Wonder Woman relevant for today’s audiences.”

We like how he said he considered how “the character has been presented on the big screen”. It’s funny because she hasn’t.