The New Extended ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Trailer Has Way More Ultron

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Not excited enough for Avengers: Age Of Ultron yet? We can fix that with the new extended trailer that just went up.

Most of the new stuff in this trailer is in the opening, featuring Ultron’s monologue about how the Avengers need to go. Interestingly, it looks like that comes later in the movie than we might have thought, and has a bit of a twist at the end. Aside from that, it’s mostly the same trailer we saw in October, although the battle scenes have been slightly expanded with one or two shots and it appears some more effects work has been done, particularly around Quicksilver.

Oh, and Pinocchio’s song slowed down to be as creepy as possible is still hackle-raising. That hasn’t changed either. May can’t come nearly soon enough.