Want To See ‘The Force Awakens’ Before Everyone Else? Get Ready To Fly

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Everyone wants to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens as evidenced by the record-breaking box office sales after the last trailer’s release. Scalpers even attempted to sell VIP passes for the opening night for $10,000. But let’s say you didn’t get on Fandango within 24 hours of tickets being available, and you still want to go. Maybe you’re just a procrastinator, or maybe you misjudged the release date of Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip, because you really wanted to see that instead. How can you see Episode VII while still making all your opening-night friends jealous? All you have to do is hop on a flight to Paris.

Air France is offering the opportunity to see The Force Awakens a whole two days before its release in the U.S. — you just have to travel to Paris to see it. And two days in today’s pop culture world is basically an eternity. Just think: You can be complaining about the special effects way before everyone else. Just shut up and take my Republic Credits.

Do you think it’s worth the trip? I’ll be sticking with my December 18 tickets, though, like a sensible, poor geek. Or, if you’re even less in a hurry to see the film, you could always just wait to see it on Netflix in 2016 if you live in Canada.