Watch This Vegan Bodybuilder Eat 10,000 Calories At Chipotle In One Day

Vegans have been the object of ridicule ever since the first chunk of tofu was whittled into the first fake hot dog. There are many reasons for this: The human propensity for hostility toward different lifestyles, the inherent silliness of vegan culture, the jealousy that millions of obese meat and cheese-eaters harbor toward the immaculate arteries and prolonged life expectancy of vegans (if you consider an existence without corned beef hash a “life”), and the general sense of well-being that comes from teasing someone who is fueled entirely by bean curd and patchouli vapor.

But things have changed.

Because now vegans are cage fighters.

And vegans are football players.

And as this guy proves, vegans are even bros.

This human embodiment of chest day and jazz hands is Brian Turner, a bodybuilder who has switched to an entirely vegan diet. He started the diet to help with his acne, and has stuck with veganism because he’s still been able to maintain his gains. Recently, Brian has even been able to “bulk” on a vegan diet. And how does a vegan bodybuilder bulk without any animal protein? With a shocking amount of re-fried beans and ketchup.


Last month, he took his vegan bulking to the extreme by eating 10,000 calories of Chipotle in one day. And not a single one of those calories came from an animal product.

A few thoughts about this video:

1. As much as I love burritos, I don’t think I want to eat them anymore.

2. Leg press seems like the worst possible choice for a post-burrito exercise.

3. I should really start doing some pushups or something.

The vegan Chipotle bulk was more of a challenge/terrible idea than Brian’s normal diet (which he outlines in videos on his YouTube page), but it was still amazing that he could cram that much rice and tofu and poorly-folded tortilla into his body in one day. Also, in case you were wondering, Brian addresses the aftermath of gaining 10 pounds of Chipotle weight in this video. Hint: It involves a lot of pooping. Which, to be fair, is the human body’s natural reaction to eating any amount of Chipotle.

You can follow Brian and his vegan bodybuilding journey on his Instagram, Twitter, and his website, Beyond the Weak. Because no matter how he got there, anyone who can lift this much weight and is this inspirational about fitness clearly deserves our respect.

Even if he does put ketchup on Mexican food.