How To Take Action On Climate Change Impacting Urban Neighborhoods Right Now

The choices we make daily create a lasting impact, and when it comes to climate change, it’s more important now than ever to take action. From choosing eco-tourism destinations to honoring the natural environments of the places we visit near home, people can play a significant part in either the betterment or the deterioration of the planet. As adventurers who love to explore new places near and far, each of us can have an impact towards a better outdoors for future generations.

Fortunately, there are organizations and resources that make it easier to educate ourselves, spread awareness, and take action. In order to drive the conversation on climate change and its effects on different communities, REI partnered with American Forests in an effort to shed light on climate equity and cooperative climate action.

American Forests is a non-profit organization that focuses on planting trees in urban communities for their essential contributions to these cities.

To learn more about what American Forests and REI are doing to create climate equity across the U.S., check out the video above. Watch as environmental activist Kiana Kazemi and Joel Pannell, Vice President of Urban Policy for American Forests, open a conversation about cooperative climate action and how we can start making a difference in our communities right now.