Single? Here’s Some Essential Information On Dating In 2016


Single? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. America, home of the free and the brave, is also the home of an extraordinary number of singles trying to find love. But dating’s different in 2016 — we have computers and smart phones and even apps that will pretend to be your boyfriend — so has compiled a whole bunch of data to make it easier for anyone trying to find love before Valentine’s Day to have the best shot possible. And by best shot, we mean you should absolutely take your date to have sushi for dinner.

According to the study — which surveyed more than 5,500 singles about what to eat if you want to get a second date, who fellow singles are voting for, and how long it takes for a dude to just give up if he hasn’t heard back from someone he’s interested in (the average is 11.25 days) — the best thing to do for dinner when you’re just getting to know someone is to eat raw fish. In fact,  doing so will up your chances of getting a second date by more than 100 percent (provided your personality isn’t awful), and going to an expensive restaurant (regardless of whether sushi is present) raises your chances of getting a second date by 50 percent. No word on whether going to an expensive sushi restaurant basically guarantees a second date, but according to the survey, taking someone out for drinks also raises your chances of a second date by more than 100 percent, as do after-dinner drinks, which makes sense. (You’re not going to go have drinks with someone you’re not into, right? Not even if they’re paying.)


Aside from that information, of course, there’s more that you need to know. Like the fact that more than thirty percent of those surveyed met the people they’re dating online (no shame in that anymore!) and that your parents’ old advice to never discuss politics or religion with someone new is now outdated; 80 percent of singles are cool with discussing your views on Trump and Palin over a getting-to-know-you plate of nachos (just make sure you know your conversation partner’s affiliation–a majority of singles are now voting Democrat). Things you shouldn’t discuss? Your ex (apparently 14 percent of singles are cool with it, which is a huge and surprising number) and sports. And if you’re planning to plant a kiss on your date’s lips at the end of the night, 50 percent of responders said that was totally cool, provided it was a good date and you weren’t totally misreading the signals.

Speaking of politics, the survey discovered that Clinton supporters prefer wine to other beverages (Trump supporters love beer), and while 43 percent of Hillary’s supporters are likely to be looking for a serious relationship, and those who favor Trump are more likely to talk about their ex, and 82 percent more likely to be unemployed. Consider that if not having a job is a deal-breaker for you. Libertarians, while making up the smallest percentage of singles, are also the people most likely to be sexually adventurous, endorsing the idea of open relationships and being totally cool with the thought of a threesome happening. So, now you know who to turn to if you’re looking to spice up your sex life.


Oh, did someone mention sex? Because that’s a really interesting subject. While Sex and the City may have taught you that one-night-stands and friends with benefits should just remain as such, the real world is going in another direction. People are turning one-night-stands into long and healthy partnerships, and somehow converting friends they fool around with into boyfriends and girlfriends, as well. Is it magic or just a less restrained view on sex? After all, according to the survey, 75 percent of respondents had sex by 21 (almost half by 18), a good number are open to making a sex tape, and 50 percent have had six or more partners (use this calculator if you’re not sure of how many people you’ve slept with). Scandal? Hardly! Considering how easy it is to meet people these days, it’s no wonder that courtship goes from Netflix to chill in less time than you can say “do you want to come up and see my etchings?” Don’t let the fact that many people who responded are into public sex make you too comfortable, though. It could still end very, very badly.

You can read the entire study in a handy interactive graphic here. Use it to arm yourself with more information than you’ll ever need before going out with someone, thereby making yourself even more anxious. But, considering how important it is to be well-informed these days, talking about the survey might make it more likely that you’ll get a second date. Provided you’re eating sushi, of course. And drinking. And having the date at night. Why is finding love still so confusing?

(Via Singles in America)