A New ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Set Pic Reveals A Surprise About Adam Driver’s Character

As you’ve likely already heard Adam Driver is going to be playing the Darth Vader-like villain of Star Wars: Episode VII. Wait, you hadn’t heard? What, you thought your girlfriend suddenly got totally into Star Wars for the Wookiees?

Well, if you’re expecting Driver to be a fully formed bad guy right from scene one like Vader was in Episode IV, you might be in for a surprise. A new set pic reveals a somewhat different path for Driver’s character (SPOILERS ahead)…


Seriously, I take no responsibility if you keep scrolling!

So yes, it looks like Driver will be playing an X-wing pilot for at least part of the movie. Will he be taking a gradual Anakin Skywalker-esque journey from good guy to the dark side? If he is, hopefully that journey doesn’t take three damn movies.

via io9