The Merc With A Mouth Soars To New Heights In New ‘Deadpool’ Image

The inundation of promotional images and clips seem to have died down a bunch for Marvel’s new Deadpool movie. That’s not a bad thing, really. We have quite a while until the Merc with a Mouth hits theaters — February 12, 2016 to be exact — but still it’s sometimes nice to check in with Wade Wilson and see what’s cooking (it’s chimichangas).

After premiering the new red band trailer on Conan last month, we haven’t heard much from the crazy superhero. I mean, sure there’s that Straight Outta Compton meme he showed up in, and the prospect of a sequel — to the not yet released film — seems desirable from the studio. All that being said, 20th Century Fox just released the above new image for your weekend enjoyment.

While the image itself can be recognized from the red band trailer I mentioned above, it’s still pretty damn cool to see Ryan Reynolds suited up and flying through the air while shooting down all sorts of bad guys. It really is one of the better moments from the promotional clips the studio has released thus far and seems to make for the perfect use of Salt N’ Pepa’s classic ’90s track “Shoop.”

(Via 20th Century Fox)