Harry Styles Fell On Stage During A Show, And Twitter Of Course Ripped Him For It

Harry Styles, leader of the boy band One Direction, fell on stage during a concert on Thursday in San Diego. The band was in the midst of their first show of their On the Road Again Tour – which was also the first without recently departed member Zayn Malik – when things took a turn for the the worse.

Styles reached for his microphone to address the crowd while singing “Through the Dark,” only to get caught in the cables running along the stage. A couple arm flails later, and he was on the ground. He quickly recovered like a pro, with the help of a couple dreamy hair flips and heartthrob grins.

If falling isn’t embarrassing enough, Styles’ 25 million Twitter followers were ready and willing to chime in on the not-so-graceful moment. The fan-posted video of the fall went viral almost instantly, and the hashtag #OhNoHarry became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter. Aaaaaaaand the reactions are hilarious.





At this point, all you can really do is laugh/cry/avoid Twitter until people forget. #OhNoHarry

(Via Hollywood Life)