A Pastor Blames Paris Shooting Victims For Attending A ‘Death Metal’ Concert

A two-second Google search, or even a listen to any of their songs, will tell you that Eagles of Death Metal are not, in fact, a death metal band. It’s a tongue-in-cheek name, inspired by Josh Homme (who is not a queen, nor was he born in the stone age) calling Polish group Vader “the Eagles of death metal.” It’s Don Henley’s greatest contribution to music.

Unfortunately, Steven Anderson doesn’t have two seconds — he’s too busy writing hate speeches up his own ass. When the leader of the Faithful Word Baptist Church, who describe themselves as an “old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church” (located in an Arizona strip mall), heard about what happened in Paris, his immediate reaction wasn’t to show compassion for the lives that were needlessly lost.

Instead, he came up with this:

“When you go to a concert of death metal, somebody might get killed! You know, you’re worshiping death! And then, all of a sudden, people start dying!… Well, you love death so much, you bought the ticket, you love worshiping Satan! Well, let’s have some of Satan’s religion come in and shoot you! (Via)

After conceding that the terrorists are “wicked” and “murderers” (what a guy), Anderson continued to pass the blame onto the innocent people who just wanted to see their favorite band. “Nobody should be at a concert worshiping Satan with this drug-pushing hillbilly f*ggot,” he said, referring to singer Jesse Hughes, I think? “These guys are just total sodomite looking freaks.” To be fair, Total Sodomite Looking Freaks? That’s a good band name.

Anderson’s ignorance is breathtaking, really. His point is based on a lie (“just like all religion,” someone in the comments section replies). It’s like saying your favorite band is Guided by Voices, because their name sounds Jesus-y. Someone should lock Anderson in a closet, and make him listen to your high school friend’s actual death metal band. The horrible punishment fits the bigoted crime. Meanwhile, Eagles of Death Metal are preaching “love and compassion.”

(Via Metal Injection)