Frank Ocean Is Being Sued By His Father Over A Tumblr Post

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Frank Ocean’s father wants a few million from his superstar son after he claims a 2016 Tumblr post damaged his reputation and ruined his chances to work in music.

In the aftermath of the Orlando shooting last summer, Ocean shared an essay on Tumblr about the time he heard his father call a transgendered waitress a gay slur. “I was 6 years old when I heard my dad call our transgender waitress a f*ggot as he dragged me out of a neighborhood diner saying we wouldn’t be served because she was dirty.” According to Ocean’s dad, that never happened so now he’s suing.

According to TMZ, Calvin Cooksey has filed a multi-million-dollar defamation lawsuit against his son, claiming the little anecdote he shared last summer was all lie. Cooksey says he never called the waitress a f*ggot and that the story is “BS.” As a result of Ocean’s Tumblr post, Cooksey says Ocean painting him as a bigot has “damaged his financial opportunities in film and music” and now wants $14.5 million for his troubles.

Frank Ocean’s Tumblr post hasn’t been deleted, and he’s yet to publicly comment on his father’s lawsuit.