Jay-Z and Rihanna are two of the stars who have contributed most to coronavirus relief efforts, collectively donating $2 million to relief in Los Angeles and New York, according to Rolling Stone.
Jay-Z’s Shawn Carter Foundation (SCF) and Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF) are concentrating their efforts on vulnerable populations such as children of frontline healthcare workers, the elderly, the homeless, the incarcerated, and undocumented workers. These groups are considered most at-risk due to various reasons including lack of access to healthcare and weakened immune systems that cannot easily fight off infection.
The funds are centered around providing daycare, food, and learning materials to healthcare workers’ and first responders’ children. They will provide meals for the homebound and homeless alike, and support those fighting for the release of inmates to help prevent outbreaks in the nation’s prisons. The foundations are also advocating for free COVID-19 testing to all residents of New York City, as the Big Apple has seen the most cases arise since the outbreak first began.
Jay’s mother Gloria Carter is the CEO of SCF and said in a statement, “In times of crisis it is imperative that we come together as one community to ensure that everyone, especially the most vulnerable, has access to critical needs: shelter, health, nutrition and education. The only way to get through this pandemic is with love and action.”
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