Lady Gaga Opened Up About Her Battle With Depression

Lady Gaga and Elton John are on the cover of Billboard‘s “philanthropy issue.” Inside, Gaga opened up on a cause that hits close to home for her: Depression.

“I’ve suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life, I still suffer with it every single day. I just want these kids to know that that depth that they feel as human beings is normal. We were born that way. This modern thing, where everyone is feeling shallow and less connected? That’s not human.”

Though Gaga is famous for connecting with fans via the internet, especially her own army of Little Monsters, she says that the internet can hurt people with depression and lead to feelings of isolation.

“There is something in the way that we are now, with our cell phones and people are not looking at each other and not being in the moment with each other, that kids feel isolated. They read all of this extremely hateful language on the Internet. The internet is a toilet. It is. It used to be a fantastic resource — but you have to sort through shit to find the good stuff.”

These aren’t just empty words. Gaga has her own foundation to combat bullying and create safe spaces for teens and children. Check out the whole interview over at Billboard.