The Perfect Stocking Stuffer For Family Members You Hate: ‘Lullaby Renditions Of Nickelback’

Want to turn your toddler into a generic redneck? Then have I got the album for you: Lullaby Renditions of Nickelback, the latest rock ‘n’ roll to rock the cradle installment in Rockabye Baby’s series. All your (least) favorite songs are here: there’s “How You Remind Me,” “Photograph,” and that other one you hate.

Baby’s cries making you wish a hero would save you? Fear not, parents, for these peaceful renditions of Nickelback’s best-loved songs will remind you what quiet sounds like. This is your child’s very own lullaby.

Perfect. Unfortunately, you have to go to Rockabye’s website to hear snippets of the songs, but you’ll get the general idea of what they’re doing with this smooth-as-2,112-babies-bottoms cover of Rush’s “Limelight.”

(Via Rockabye, via CoS)