Proving He’ll Never Give You Up, Rick Astley Hits No. 1 On The British Charts For The First Time In 29 Years

Don’t worry, this isn’t a rickroll. Mr. “Never Gonna Give You Up” himself, Rick Astley, has just hit No. 1 on the UK album charts for the first time in over 29 years with a brand new album, simply titled 50. Astley beat out some fierce competition with his first album in over a decade, selling 3,700 more physical copies than Tom Odell and pushing Sir Paul McCartney to the No. 3 position on the charts, according to Mashable.

The now 50-year-old is surprised by his outstanding comeback success. “It’s amazing, it’s incredible. It’s been a very, very, very long time,” Astley told The Independent.

Astley also said how he feels about Odell’s latest album, Wrong Crowd. “I like Tom Odell. I bought his last album and I’m going to buy this one as well, but I’ve held off from buying it this week!”

In 1987, the singer with the smooth baritone topped the charts with his debut album Never Gonna Give You Up. The music video with the same name garnered over 216 million views on YouTube and has since been used as one of the oldest Internet memes where users are baited-and-switched or “RickRoll’d” into clicking a link to the popular clip.

(Via Mashable)