Spotify Has Launched Its Newest Feature To Help Compete Against Other Streaming Services


Personally, I’ve never thought, “I wish I could watch the music video for this track,” when considering which streaming music service to use, but for a large share of users, having a video feature is essential. Both Apple Music and Tidal have capitalized on this by having the exclusive rights to certain video premieres, and now, after months of rumors, Spotify has finally joined the fray with video content.

Apple Music currently includes music videos from their artists, as well as some exclusive videos as part of their Connect feature, and Tidal features videos and concert streams from their artists. To compete with this, Spotify has gone out of the realm of music and includes video from ESPN, Comedy Central, MTV, BBC, Vice News, and many others. As of right now, iOS and Android users can access these videos in the “Browse” section of the app where they’ll be given two options for video shows and audios shows.

Spotify has been very active in updating their service, even teaming up Genius for a feature similar to VH1’s Pop Up Video. They’ve also been featuring podcasts, which not every streaming app has, as a big selling point for a while now. Maybe by adding this video content feature, the streaming giant can add more customers and take back their throne as streaming kings.

(Via The Verge)